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Anticalivinistische Meldung

Verfasst: 03.10.2006 19:04
von H.W.Deppe
Unten kopiere ich eine bemerkenswerte Meldung aus dem anticalvinistischen "Fundamental Baptist Information Service".
Ob dem Autor wohl bekannt ist, dass Spurgeon (wie auch Carey) sowohl fundamentaler Baptist als auch Calvinist war (aber eben nicht Hypercalvinist - der Pappkamerad, auf den hier geschossen wird)?
Gruß, Werner

Church News Notes, September 29, 2006,,
866-295-4143) - A report in Christianity Today
for September 2006 was entitled "Young, Restless,
Reformed: Calvinism Is Making a Comeback--And
Shaking up the Church." It documents the rapid
spread of Calvinism in Evangelical circles, and I
am seeing the same thing among Fundamentalists.
The report cites John Piper, R.C. Sproul, R.
Albert Mohler, Louie Giglio, Joshua Harris, J.I.
Packer, and the Puritans as among the chief
influences responsible for the upsurge in
Calvinism. Piper's book "Desiring God" has sold
more than 275,000 copies. The trend toward the
acceptance of Calvinism is evident at leading
evangelical seminaries such as Trinity
Evangelical Divinity School, Gordon-Conwell
Theological Seminary, and Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary. Under the direction of Al
Mohler, Southern Seminary has become "a Reformed
hotbed" and is turning out "a steady flow of
young Reformed pastors." Writing in SBC Life,
Malcolm Yarnell, associate professor of
systematic theology at Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary, observed that TULIP
theology is causing division in churches. Steve
Lemke, provost of New Orleans Baptist Theological
Seminary, warns: "I believe that [Calvinism] is
potentially the most explosive and divisive issue
facing us in the near future. It has already been
an issue that has split literally dozens of
churches, and it holds the potential to split the
entire convention" ("The Future of Southern
Baptists as Evangelicals," April 2005). Lemke
says that "the newest generation of Southern
Baptist ministers" is "the most Calvinist we have
had in several generations." He warns that
Calvinism can result in a lowered commitment to
evangelism, saying: "For many people, if they're
convinced that God has already elected those who
will be elect S I don't see how humanly speaking
that can't temper your passion, because you know
you're not that crucial to the process." There
are exceptions to this, but in my estimation
there can be no doubt that Calvinism tends to
cool evangelistic fervor. Among Calvinists,
evangelism is done IN SPITE OF Calvinism, not
because of it. Those who protest that it doesn't
hinder evangelism point to EXCEPTIONS rather than
to the rule. While Charles Spurgeon was an
evangelistic Calvinist, for example, a large
number of Calvinists of his day opposed him and
denounced his broad, indiscriminate invitations
for sinners to come to Christ. One Calvinist
publication warned in Spurgeon's day, "... to
preach that it is man's duty to believe savingly
in Christ is ABSURD" (Earthen Vessel, 1857; cited
in Spurgeon vs. the Hyper Calvinists by Iain
Murray). Calvinism almost killed the evangelistic
zeal of the Baptist churches of England in the
18th century. Baptist historian Thomas Armitage
wrote: "William Carey's 'Inquiry into the
Obligations of Christians to use means for the
Conversion of the Heathen' was published in 1792,
but it found few readers and produced little
effect. To most of the Baptists Carey's views
were visionary and even wild, in open conflict
with God's sovereignty. At a meeting of
ministers, where the senior Ryland presided,
Carey proposed that at the next meeting they
discuss the duty of attempting to spread the
Gospel amongst the heathen. S Ryland, shocked,
sprang to his feet and ordered Carey to sit down,
saying: 'When God pleases to convert the heathen,
he will do it without your aid or mine!'"

Church News Notes, September 29, 2006,,
866-295-4143) - A few years ago I visited the Bob
Jones University bookstore and was amazed at the
large number of volumes that were available on
Puritanism. I thought to myself at the time that
this probably signifies that many BJU teachers
and graduates are being influenced by
Puritanism's Reformed theology. Since then I have
seen growing evidence of this. I know of formerly
non-Calvinist Baptist churches that have become
Calvinistic after BJU graduates were called to
the pastorate. On a recent trip to Australia I
was shown a publication ("Why Read the Puritans
Today") that was sent out to an independent
Baptist mailing list by a BJ graduate. The
booklet lists 10 reasons for the renewed interest
in Puritanism. The recommendation was not
accompanied by any warning about Reformed
theology and its attendant Calvinism and
Amillennialism. I don't know if this BJ grad is a
Calvinist, but he is certainly helping to promote
Calvinism with this type of thing. And this is
not something limited to those associated with
Bob Jones. In 2005 an extensive survey was done
of "young fundamentalists." Entitled "Young
Fundamentalists' Beliefs and Personal Life," the
survey results are available online at ... esults.pdf.
For the purposes of the survey, a "young
fundamentalist" is one who is under 35 years old.
The survey contained 135 questions pertaining to
life and doctrine, and roughly 1,100 surveys were
completed. The vast majority of respondents
identified themselves with three fundamentalist
schools: Bob Jones University (29%), Maranatha
Baptist Bible College (22%), and Northland
Baptist Bible College (21%). When it comes to
Calvinist views, an amazing 58% of the
respondents hold a Calvinist view of sovereign
election, with another 8% unsure. THUS ONLY ABOUT
respondents hold to either amillennial (8%) or
postmillennial (5%) views, which goes hand in
hand with Reformed theology. I believe we will
see this percentage increase in coming days, with
a growing rejection of the pre-millennial,
pre-tribulation position. The chief culprit in
the growth of Calvinism is literature. John Piper
and John MacArthur are popular among
fundamentalists. The Puritan literature is also
increasing dramatically, as previously noted. On
a recent trip to England I had a nice visit with
Dr. Peter Masters at Metropolitan Tabernacle. He
graciously showed me the various artifacts
associated with previous esteemed pastors,
particularly Charles Spurgeon and John Gill. Dr.
Masters told me that visiting preachers often
like to sit in Gill's chair, which is located in
a hallway outside of Masters' office; but I told
him that I would be afraid that I might catch
Gill's Calvinism! I admire a great many things
about Spurgeon and the Puritans and many
modern-day Calvinists, as well, but I vehemently
disagree with Reformed theology. (I reject the
Quick Prayerism scheme that is so prevalent among
independent Baptists just as vehemently. In fact,
I have no doubt that the unscripturalness of this
popular evangelistic program and the doctrinal
shallowness of many independent Baptist churches
and schools has caused some to fall into the arms
of Calvinism and its more intellectual approach.)
Having studied the Bible earnestly and
prayerfully for 33 years and having studied both
sides of this issue, I am convinced that neither
Calvinism nor Quick Prayerism is Scriptural. I
have no ill will toward those who differ, but
here I must stand, and I believe it is an issue
worth standing for.

Anticalvinistische Meldung

Verfasst: 12.03.2007 19:55
von Joschie
Hallo H.W.Deppe!
Gibt es für diesen Text auch eine deutsche Übersetzung da ich kein Englisch kann?

Verfasst: 13.03.2007 14:48
von H.W.Deppe
Hallo Joschie,
nein, eine Übersetzung ist mir nicht bekannt.
Grüße, Werner

Verfasst: 14.03.2007 15:56
von Joschie
Hallo H.W.Deppe
Schade, aber trotzdem vielen Dank.

Puritanische Literatur??

Verfasst: 14.03.2007 17:58
von eddi
Im Artikel wird von puritanischer Literatur gesprochen. Gibt es diese Bücher auch in deutscher Sprache? Wer kann mir Hinweise geben?

Verfasst: 14.03.2007 20:13
von Joschie
hallo eddi
Da ich kein Englisch kann schreibe mir bitte über welche Autoren oder Titel es geht, ich habe einige puritanische Bücher. :idea:


Verfasst: 14.03.2007 21:09
von H.W.Deppe
Was es an deutschsprachigen Büchern von Puritanern gibt (insbesondere von den Verlagen 3L und RVB), findet man unter ... ds=puritan
Sollte die Liste unvollständig sein, bitte ich um Hinweise.
Grüße, Werner

Verfasst: 15.03.2007 09:03
von Pilger Andreas
Die "Pilgerreise" und "Der heilige Krieg" fehlen noch in der Liste. Allerdings weiß ich nicht warum Merle d'Aubigné in der Liste auftaucht.


P.S.: Wo wir schon im Shop sind; gibt es die Möglichkeit sich die Bewertungen im Überblick anzuschaun?

Verfasst: 15.03.2007 17:10
von eddi

ich suche nicht nach speziellen Titeln. Ich kannte bisher, außer den Büchern von John Bunyan, keine anderen Bücher von Puritanern.

Falls es in deinem Interesse ist, könntest du ja einfach alle Titel aufzählen. Im Shop findet man ja nicht so viele.


Verfasst: 15.03.2007 20:01
von Joschie
Hallo Eddi,
ich möchte dir gleich antworten als 1. die Bücher von John Owen "Leben durch seinen Tod" und "Die Herrlichkeit Christi" 2. Thomas Watson "Die Lehre der Buße" 3. die Bücher von Arthur W.Pink, besonders möchte ich dir "Die Souveränität Gottes" und "Was ist rettender Glaube" empfehlen. Ich weis nicht ob man Pink direkt einen Puritaner nennen kann oder wo die Trennung da zeitlich ist. Als letztes natürlich die Bücher von Spurgeon, als Einstieg dazu kann ich dir das Buch "C.H. Spurgeon wie ihn keiner kennt" von Murray empfehlen. Diese Bücher habe ich selbst gelesen.
Gruß Joschie.

Verfasst: 15.03.2007 23:49
von H.W.Deppe
Pilger Andreas hat geschrieben:Die "Pilgerreise" und "Der heilige Krieg" fehlen noch in der Liste.
Hups, hab ich gerade ergänzt - die Bücher waren schon im Shop, aber ohne die Buchstabenfolge "puritan"
Allerdings weiß ich nicht warum Merle d'Aubigné in der Liste auftaucht. ... ds=puritan
sucht ja nach "puritan" - und das kommt im Beschreibungstext vor - siehe dort.
Wo wir schon im Shop sind; gibt es die Möglichkeit sich die Bewertungen im Überblick anzuschaun?
Unter der nicht verlinkten Url kann man zumindest die neusten sehen - ich werde meinen Programmierer beauftragen, dies zu verbessern ...

Grüße, Werner

Verfasst: 16.03.2007 11:29
von eddi
Danke! Jetzt habe ich für die nächsten Wochen genug Lesestoff!


Verfasst: 17.03.2007 17:40
von Joschie
Hallo Eddi!
Ich habe noch ein Buch von John Owen "Leben durch seinen Tod", wenn du möchtest kannst du es von mir kostenlos haben. Wenn du es möchtest schicke mir eine Mail mit deiner Adresse.
Gruß Joschie! $:P

Verfasst: 21.03.2007 21:45
von Joschie
Hallo Ihr!
Ich möchte noch mal auf eine Frage zurück kommen.
Was ist der geschichtliche zeitliche Rahmen wo ich die
Puritaner einordnen kann.Gibt es einen einen Unterschied
was die Puritaner lehren im unterschied zu den Reformierten.
Wo finde ich da zu info. :idea: :?: